Let’s Just Say

Let's say you don't have much of a life, and what life you do have you spend in airports waiting for your next flight.  And let's say you have 3G cell phone service and a web-enabled browser.  In that case, you really should point your iBrowser to this site and poke around.  The folks sitting…

Musical Themes

I guess it's been a bit distracting to have the blog theme change so often lately, but I'm looking for a theme that wears well.  The previous ones did not.  I want a customizable theme that I can live with for the long term, and I haven't found it yet.  Sorry! qb

Matthew’s Gospel: Storytelling as Craft

It will be a while before qb exhausts all of the debts he owes to N. T. Wright through his The New Testament and the People of God.  This morning, the debt centers on the gospel attributed to Matthew.  Undoubtedly many people through the ages have picked up on what qb has only today recognized: …

Devouring Game Theory (or Just Hallucinating?)

WARNING:  Readers not into game theory, ecology, economics, or academic reading may safely skip this arcane post. The question that just arose for me is, "if we threw Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations), Thomas Malthus (resource/population ecologist), and J. F. Nash (game theorist and subject of "A Beautiful Mind") into a smoke-filled room equipped…

A Fiscal Inversion of Mind-Boggling Scale

This is truly mind-boggling.  Unbelievable.  Astonishing.   Amuses, saddens, and angers me all at the same time. Timothy Geithner, the boy genius, calls it "sound fiscal policy." I think I'll just go hand my 13-year-old son the keys to my minivan, all my credit cards, and directions to the mall.  To celebrate sound fiscal policy,…

The Ends Justify…Well, Some Gladness, At Least

Krauthammer does not gloat immodestly; he is clear-headed about the security contingencies, the ongoing threats, and the history of post-colonial Asia and Africa.  The political and social gains in Iraq are tenuous and vulnerable.  But they are gains.  If they hold, they do portend a hopeful future for the ordinary, peace-loving Iraqi. In fact, it…

A Must-Read Blog Series

Dr. Beck has completed it as of Friday morning, and it's outstanding.  It consists of about 10 posts, scholarly but easy to read, on the topic of "original sin."  Those of you who have been intrigued by the intersection of Christian ethics with such things as Peak Oil, biophysical limits, and ecological footprint will find…

Just Wondering

Musings from the fringe: ----- Other than having been born in Illinois - wait, not even that is true - precisely what do Barack Hussein Obama and Abraham Lincoln have in common, and by what conceit does Obama fancy himself an heir of Lincoln's legacy?  Pardon me, but try as I might, I just can't…